Mama Hoglet's miles for mental health

January is the first month of #mamahogletsmilesformentalhealth. This is a year-long set of running challenges I've set myself to raise money for local mental health charities. These challenges will include races, half marathons, my first marathon and a virtual race to run 1000km by December 31st 2019, all to raise much-needed money for mental health resources in the area.This month I'm taking part in #runeverydayjanuary2019 - the challenge is to run every single day in January and a virtual race to run 100 miles this month too. I'm over halfway through - and starting wonder if I've not made a terrible mistake - but I will plough on! :)If you want to donate anything to our goal, there's a JustGiving page set up here: anyone who wants to follow my crazy antics on Instagram can do so here >Hopefully, we can raise some much-needed funds for such a very important cause that affects so many of us.So here goes it’s going to be a scary/exciting year.X


A few words on PND, Roald Dahl and not wanting to be a 'grown-up'


We are FIVE!